LoadCentral Webtool

First things first, this loading business is powered by Load Central as our loading platform.

Uniwiz Trade Sales Inc.

LoadCentral owned by Uniwiz Trade Sales Inc. is one of the most popular and leading distributor for all prepaid services in the country today. Through LoadCentral as our platform, retailers everywhere can sell  load even without having a need to buy and to scratch prepaid cards. LoadCentral offers a cardless solution for every load retailers out there which let you transfer load to all networks even with just one sim that your are using.

For further information about their company, feel free to check their website. (Click here)

One advantage of having a LoadCentral Platform is they provide you a "LoadCentral: Webtool" where you can track all your sales activities, earnings, and even your remaining balance. As you click to https://loadcentral.net/index.jsp, the following log-in page will appear:

Load Central: Webtool Log-in Page
You will be asked about your username and you password.

The username that we will be using is the cellphone number that was registered by your dealer as your "Retailer Number". Your username should start with prefix "63". So for example you have a Registered Retailer Number of "0939-123-4567", your username should be typed as "63-939-123-4567"

Your password will also be provided by your Dealer once after you've finished your registration.

*Take note that upon your first log-in, you will be required to UNLOCK first your account. This is a protocol by LoadCentral to help protect your account by ensuring that the one attempting to log-in is really the Registered Retailer Sim owner.

This will be done by sending LoadCentral the following message using your own Registered Retailer Sim Number:

UNLOCK(space)Your Password
ex: UNLOCK 123456

and send it to the LoadCentral Access Number (ex: 0920-945-6856 if you're a Smart user)
For other LoadCentral Access Number, visit our "Retailer SMS guide" page.

You will receive a message once after you've successfully unlocked your account.
Once after successfully logging-in, your homepage should look like this:

LoadCentral Webtool pg1
As you can see, you can easily transfer loads just a click away thru your computer. The rest is up for you to explore!

For loading via SMS, please check the "How to Sell Load via SMS" page.

LoadCentral Webtool pg 2
 Just scroll your mouse down further from the main page and you'll see this feature where you can track your sales performance, wallet costs, earnings, balance, etc. Everything else is self-explanatory.