How to Get Started

To get started, what you will only need are the following requirements:
1. Your own cellphone

2. One (1) Sim Card.
         Yes. With only one sim card you can already load to all other networks. You don't have to buy a new one. You may use the one you are currently using.

3. Minimum of P500 funds

After completing the requirements, here is the next step-by-step process:
1. Find a trusted registered authorized dealer.
          Is there really a need to find a dealer? Can I become a retailer even without a dealer?
          The answer is yes and no. While a retailer is the one in charged of selling products, a dealer on the other hand registers new retailer and is not authorized to sell products like the retailer. The dealer is in-charge of transferring loadwallets to the retailer which in turn the retailer will use to sell to the customers. The amount that the retailer will pay to the dealer shall depend on the agreement between the retailer and the dealer.

2. Have that authorized dealer to register your sim card number as a new Retailer.

3. Now that you are a Newly Registered Retailer, you can now start your own Loading Business once after you have funded your LoadWallet.

Have a problem of finding your own dealer? You don't have to worry because the one right in front of you speaking (via this website you're now reading) is already a registered authorized dealer of LoadCentral.

Compared to some other dealers who usually charge P200 or above for retailer sign-up fee,  I won't be charging you anymore fees and therefore it is FREE. Just message me your complete name, your city address and your retailer number, I can already register you right away.

The minimum amount of P500 which you will pay shall go immediately to your loadwallet which you can already use to start your own loading business. In otherwords, the amount which you are going to pay will be the SAME AMOUNT as the amount of your loadwallet.