Introduction: "Is Loading Business a Right Business for You?"

In every aspects of our lives, We, Filipinos, are dreaming of having something that can provide us an additional source of income. Whether it is to meet our daily needs or to simply have an additional power to buy things that we want (like new gadgets, new clothes, etc.), there is always a sense of fulfillment within us that we feel whenever we have created or invested something and had seen it growing and working.
Admit it or not, no matter how young or old as we are, whether we are still studying, or already working, or even already retired, we had sometimes thought of putting up our very own business. And yet the only problem is... what kind of business should we start? Does it need too much capital? Does it need more attention and more manpower? Is the product marketable enough?
Load, since the existence of the cellphones, had already become an important commodity not only to every Filipinos but to every people around the world. It had already become a necessity.
In this digitized world, one cannot communicate with their families, friends, classmates, officemates, boss, and with every people including their love ones from a far place if they have already a zero balance on their cellphone load. No matter what status do you have and whether you are only a student, a working professional or even a retiree, both young and old; having a load had already become an important part of your everyday lives.
So why shouldn't we consider starting this eLoading Retailership Business, this business of selling load to everyone or even only for our own personal consumption alone?